
Help me please....

This few day i finally can sleep
But i still can't sleep well
I also don't why
I keep force myself to sleep well
But each time i sleep sure will get wake up
I also don't know the reason
Maybe is because of nightmare again...
I have this nightmare since a long time ago...
Until now i still can't get the solution so i won't have this nightmare anymore
It really drive me crazy
I really wish i can put down everything
Why im so useless
How hard i work also i still the same
Why i just can't be like you
Put down all the thing easily
All the memory we have
All the happy moment we have
All the enjoy moment we have
All the secret we share each other
All the promise we have to each other
There is a lot thing hold me from not put you down
Im still so miss all the moment we have since 16-03-08
Even we don't have much chance to meet other
But our heart always so close to each other
Why now i can't feel you heart near to me anymore
I now can't even hear any heart beat of you
Im so lonely....
Im so miss....

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