

I scared i got no more chance to say goodbye to you anymore
I wish to say goodbye to you because i might not able to see you anymore
Im going to left soon
Someplace..someone who i miss so much
My tear run out when the time im going to left you
But i will remember you look...i will never forget how you look like.I dream to see your lovely and cute face every single moment in my life
I will remember and treasure all the sweet memory you had gave me
I will forever treasure it in my deep heart because all happen because you appear in my life.
You enlighten my life and my world
All the time we have togather will always write in my heart
Nomatter how hard you try to also impossible to take all those memory from our heart
I promise you that i will still back to you again in one day in future
I will still keep looking back for you
I will keep slow down my step for you
I will keep wait for you until you willing to back to my side
I will love and miss you forever because nobody can ever try to replace you place in my heart
Im loyal to you as your hubby nomatter is past now or future
I will keep my promise here

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