
Do you will still give me 2nd chance?

Im really so sad and sad
Im really so jealous and envy wheb see you both so sweet and happy
I so hate myself
Why i must realise so late
Why i can't feel all the changes you have since December
If i can realise early
Then we will never be like this
Why the moment i busy study and ignore you whole week
Why i don't take more act to concern you when you totally ignore me
Why im so stupid
Why must i so stupid
Damn to myself
I now really feel no more chance i can have to be with you anymore
I now really feel hopeless to make you accept me back
Do you will still give me 2nd chance?
Do you will still accept me back?
Do you will still let me be your dream prince?
I really don't wish to give up you
I really don't wish to lose you
This few day i calm down myself and had think a lot of thing
Now only i can know all this thing
Why i never calm down myself to think
Think what wrong to us
Think what wrong to myself
Think what i can do for you
Think lot more lot more
I now really work very hard to change
And everything is still working well
All the changes i make is still carry on
I really wish to show you fast
You know the moment i be with you is the happiest moment in my life
You know i really enjoy to be with you
You make my life complete
I feel incomplete again after you left me
You bring me out from sadness
You bring me happiness
You bring me love
You bring me xingfu
You bring me to be more confident and brave
What you had make to me really a lot
Just you never realise

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